View Poll Results: Just to start a flame war, what is the best e-mail client?
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Pine (security doesn't matter to me)
Outlook / Outlook Express (What is security? I like Viruses)
Netscape mail
Mozilla Mail
Manager specific (K-Mail, Evolution, Balsa)
June 3rd, 2004, 09:45 PM
error reporting spy?
do any of you think that the error reporting feature of xp is being used to spy on users?
June 3rd, 2004, 09:52 PM
Paranoia on your part i think.
Never know though,Heck...maybe when you send a report it kicks on your web cam and takes a mugshot....
Something to ponder?
Signature image is too tall!
June 3rd, 2004, 09:52 PM
Full trust....
Why.... Even Microsoft is smart enough to know that some kiddie is going to packet sniff it and find out what is being sent..... if it's bad they will publish it for all to see..... Microsoft is well aware that bad publicity has a detrimental effect on their bottom line.... that affects Bill's pocketbook..... so it ain't gonna happen....
Don\'t SYN us.... We\'ll SYN you.....
\"A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools.\" - Thucydides
June 3rd, 2004, 09:54 PM
I know it is not being used to spy on users, as a fact basis too. Here is how you can find out:
1. Install a decent Windows packet sniffer, such as ethereal or tcpdump for windows.
2. Start the sniffer
3. Cause a reproducable bug which begins a windows report.
4. After the report is sent, review the data.
You will notice some reports require more system information than others, sometimes as Windows serial key to verify it isn't conflicting with Windows Update checks. However, you have to keep in mind that not only is this feature able to be turned off for paranoid users, but you need to see it from a coders point of view.
A bug happens, and the more information you get about the OS enviroment and the running programs (etc) the better you can pinpoint what is causing that bug in the larger scheme of things. Do I think they are sending off unneeded data? According to what I saw when I used to use windows, I do not think so. Do I trust them fully? No, I do not trust any company fully. Redhat, Microsoft, McDonalds. All are here to make money and thus it is merely understandable that because they are a buisness and not a volunteer group, they will continue to do things to make money.
On this aspect, we are fine Of course, if you are using legal and registered copy of windows and not using peer to peer sharing programs to download illegal files, you really don't have anything to worry about anyways.
June 3rd, 2004, 10:05 PM
ok thats a good piont
what kind of things are sent
June 3rd, 2004, 10:09 PM
Try it out and see Not only will you learn how to packet sniff, but you will be able to get hands on experience for the future discussion of this with others.
June 3rd, 2004, 10:50 PM
how deos sniffing work and what are good sniffers
June 3rd, 2004, 11:18 PM
Pooh answered part of the question, Ethereal or TCPDump, (Google either, they are right at the top of the list).
How does it work.....
OK.... Your network card, (NIC), has a MAC address (Media Access Control). They are supposed to be unique for every network device ever made, (they aren't sometimes but that is another story). Your NIC is supposed to drop _all_ packets that aren't a broadcast or aren't for the specific MAC address assigned to the NIC. Thus, you can't "see" traffic that isn't destined for your computer.
There is a thing called "promiscuous mode" that most NIC's can be set to where they don't drop packets that aren't for their MAC address. Thus they see all traffic when they are in that mode. That's the absolute basics of sniffing..... you see things you shouldn't.... If you can capture those packets and decode them then you can see stuff you probably weren't supposed to.....
Don\'t SYN us.... We\'ll SYN you.....
\"A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools.\" - Thucydides
June 3rd, 2004, 11:48 PM
Hehe, just for kicks and to fire up Pooh, I voted "Not that much" simply for the reason that while I fully give them credit for improving things over the past few years (XP is loads better than Win9x), there've been too many conflicts, problems, bugs, issues, etc that have either been fixed way past due time or that they've been involved in things that did illegally report data on users without their knowledge or consent. But those things are in the past and I'm looking forward to XP SP2, which is a good sign to myself as trusting them a bit more.
I'd still rather have the open source arena, though, hehe... All IMHO, of course, and this is not a flame fest at all.
We the willing, led by the unknowing, have been doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do just about anything with almost nothing.
June 4th, 2004, 12:01 AM
Mr William GatesIII and I simply PM eachother with the latest HOT pr0n sites we have trolled.
There is no conspiracy here, Microsoft have features in their older distros that assume a stand alone box? You conspiracy theorists just flatter yourselves?
If Billy Boy was that interested, just tell him to ship me a TJ and he can have the whole kit
If anything is sad, it is that M$ are too big to care about their private customers?
Just my thoughts
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