Full Article: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.j...toryID=5540071

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - President Bush said on Tuesday that Turkey belongs in the European Union and that Europe is "not the exclusive club of a single religion" in what amounted to a rejection of French President Jacques Chirac.......

Bush held up Turkey as an example of a Muslim democracy and said its entry to the EU would be "a crucial advance in relations between the Muslim world and the West, because you are part of both." ......

Chirac said on Monday that Bush should not comment on Turkey's EU entry hopes as EU affairs were none of his business.

"If President Bush really said that the way I read it, well, not only did he go too far but he went into a domain which is not his own," Chirac told reporters at the summit.

"It is like me trying to tell the United States how it should manage its relations with Mexico," he added. ......

Countries such as Germany, Italy and Britain strongly back Ankara's bid, but Chirac's government has expressed wariness about kicking off a formal process to admit the relatively poor country of 70 million people.
Ok. Now let me get this straight. Chiraq is more than happy to purchase/accept bribes of oil from Muslim countries, sell legal/illegal arms to Muslim countries, demand to be allowed contract bids for the rebuilding of Iraq, and tell the U.S. how we should or should not have conducted/are conducting military strength in Muslim countries; and yet when it comes down to the wire, Chiraq doesn't want a Muslim country in the EU. Very interesting.