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Thread: Best “All in One” E-texts I can hand out to newbies

  1. #1
    King Tutorial-ankhamun
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Best “All in One” E-texts I can hand out to newbies

    I have these meetings the first Saturday of every month where a bunch of folks from the local area get together and talk about computer/network security. I’ve noticed recently that a lot of the presentations are flying over some of the folks heads, like when I started to explain Nmap and OS fingerprinting to someone and found out they did not know what a port was. What I’m asking for is advice on any e-texts I could print off and give to new folks to catch them up on TCP/IP networks, and maybe a 2nd one that covers the basics of computer security. What are the best one stop e-texts out there that I could give out that would get people up to speed enough to understand the more experienced folks presentations? Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    you really need to search around for ebooks.. you probably will be finding pdf's instead of txt's.

    search google for "oreilly ebooks"

    this link has a few good things but they are pretty much higher level stuff.
    maybe you can grab pieces that might apply.

    somewhere I had saved other links for ebooks I'll look around and pm you if I can find them.

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5
    AO übergeek phishphreek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Don't forget the sans reading room or security focus

    Lots of good papers there.
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  6. #6

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