Hey All !

I found this rather amusing !

The hacker is now the romantic outlaw/rebel of the information age and presents a better base for a future husband than say a stoner, or a football player. These following tips are for the smarter girl that looks for the cyberpunk/retro-hacker boy.

How to meet the hacker of your dreams.

Hacker either don’t communicate with other hackers or they communicate a lot with other hackers. They hang out on BBS’s such as SlashDot, HDC, and Antionline(). They also are fond of live chats on IRC and Yahoo. If you know a hacker in the RL (real life) and you want to get his attention you might want to do some recon on him before you make contact. Find out who his friends are in the RL and in cyberspace. See how skillful of a hacker he is. You don’t want to date a hacker that boots people out of chat rooms or Trojans home computers. You want to date hackers that hack into systems to learn more, they usually go for corporate networks and government networks running non commercial software.

So when you’ve located your hacker in the RL and you know what his skill level is who his friends are and what he does. You must then find a way for him to notice you as an equal. Learn the inter-workings of computers read a few chapters of A+ for dummies, N+ for dummies, and other dummies books trust me on them they are the best way to learn with out having any previous knowledge of computers. All true hackers make it a priority to learn the C programming language, Unix, Loads of networking, and security. The more advanced hackers learn assembly, C++, Perl, Fortran, and Java you don’t have to know these for him to notice you but make C a big priority your hacker will love you for it and so will your future or current employers.

Now were set for the cybersuduction.

Now it’s time to get your hacker to notice you and ask you out. This is probley one of the hardest parts of the relationship. I say this because hackers probley have never had a girlfriend and if they have the one(s) that they had ended badly or wasn’t a good relationship that’s how it is usually turns out.

A great way to be noticed is to hang out in his chat rooms and go to the local 2600 meetings. Or be more creative. Ounce he notices you and you are good friends become more flirtatious start up the female hacker seduction. Wear computer related shirts a good source is www.jinxhackwear.com or www.thinkgeek.com, the girls at school will think that you’re a total freak, but in the true hacker mentality is “screw em and everyone who looks like em”. (Hackers tend to have a hateful attitude towards the mainstream populations, calling them sheep or cattle following the herd.) You might want to dye your hair red/orange cut it short or dye it silver in the true cyberpunk style. Remember to not be too much like a friend, be more like a girlfriend. By the time he’s figured out what you are doing he’s probley considering asking you out. He might need some encouragement so get some girls to convince him to, but remember be stealthy about it, chances are he’s good at finding things out, through social engineering.

When he asks you out there are to scenarios that normally play out. Either he’s nervous like hell and him asking you out might go badly, or he’s suave and uses his experience of social engineering to get you to go out with him. If the second scenario plays out you have nothing to worry about but if the first one plays out act natural and calm try to make him feel comfortable around you be flirtatious and use your powers of seduction to make him feel better and more comfortable asking you out. When it’s over you should be incredibly happy because the aim of this operation has succeeded. Give him a big hug and be flirtatious making him feel like he’s made a great choice.
Dating the hacker

Dating a hacker isn’t like dating normal guys that stay at home and play video games all day. It’s more of a challenge i've compiled some quick tips to aide you in dating a hacker.

- What ever you do don’t try to replace his computer. That is poison to a hacker, worse than a bullet to the heart.

- Embrace the computer while he’s programming the main application you sit down on your computer and program the extensions.

- Don’t bring baggage if you bring your friends into the relationship or they invade get new friends cause that’s a big turn off.

- Don’t try and get him to do things for you like hack into mailboxes that’s also a major turn off.

- Always be interested in what he’s doing and talking about. Because if he spent 20 minutes telling you how certain security software can be bypassed you better go “OK well what happens when ….” Be inquisitive don’t say “OK well you know what happened in science today?” that will kill you real fast.

- Keep the jargon file handy just incase he starts talking about something that you missed.

- Always be there when he needs you (this is a good general dating tip)

- What ever you do don’t compete with the computer.

- Remember it’s not just for him it you too get him to do things that you like to do just as much as you do the things he likes to do.

- If he’s not good at socializing work on that with him.

- Don’t expect big nice shiny things for your birthday or valentines day. Expect a new compiler, or a technical book (they are more useful than diamonds any ways)

- Remember when you entered the cyberculture you left the land of the sheep so don’t try to go back and take him with you.

- If you don’t see each other very often get him a webcam so you can see each other.

I hope that this tutorial will help you in finding your hacker of your dreams.

This was taken from http://neworder.box.sk/newsread.php?newsid=5364
I'll start telling all the Chicks that i'm an AO member!

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