The school where i use to teach asked me about to create a course about "network security" (in fact they asked me a course about "network hacking", but i really dont like that expression).
- Course duration: 40 hours
- pre-reqs - basic knowledge of linux, tcp/ip family, ethernet networks
- Must be a lab based course - all classes must be at a "lab" ..

So ive started to draft the course contents and "aproach":

- Students will use a live cd such as knoppix-std during the course - i think there is enough tools for this course
- I will build an special set of computers to be "hacked" ( ), with several O.S. and configs.
.... and i get lost... too many possibilities too many tools, too many things to teach... ahhhnn... i cant focus
I decided to come here to ask you people what i should include on a 40 hours course, since you know that "field" better than me. keep in mind that is the a basic course.

- What tools should i teach?
- What "sample" O.S/Config? Net equipments too (routers, swtiches?)
- Which live CD do you recommend?

Any help/comments will be appreciated.