Ok - before I get negged from here to Babylon:

0. My apologies - I should know this - I know that - but I don't and I need to ask
1. I'm new at this - this being the process of filling the gaps of my IT and security knowledge I thought I already had - pathetic yet true
2. I posted in the newbie security questions
3. Also searching on Google as I type this - but I wanted expert advice asap
4. It's Monday
5. Me no have no caffeine yet - again, pathetic yet true

Ok now for the question - is there a way - via a scanner or whatever - to tell if a site is an Intranet or Internet site? Would it matter where on a network the server that hosts the site resides?

I just found (through Googling) this - which I will also be reviewing as soon as I post this:


Thanks in advance.