so my girlfriend has a yahoo account and someone has hacked into and gone through her emails looking up the "activation email" when you first sign up to a site. (you know, the email that tells you that your account is now active and lists your username and password). so this guy went into her myspace, facebook, livejournal, paypal, and modelmayhem account and deleted them all.

we think it may have been a myspace phishing thing because she's had to change her myspace password in the past because of spam bulletins. but it could also be a pissed off ex-boyfriend. we're not sure. :-/

so we called the yahoo tech support and all they could tell us is that the account is still active. she forgot her "secret question" so they refuse to help her even though her account is still being used without her permission.

we've been emailing the tech support for the sites, and so far we've recovered the livejournal account. but that's it. any suggestions on what to do to recover her email?