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Thread: Make money online

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Make money online

    So it's a while that I've been wondering about this...What's the best way to make money online? I know you would probably say well it depends on what you know but let's assume I don't have any special talent
    These are the methods I've heard about:

    1- Youtubing and earning money from the ads...The problem with this one is that you have to post original stuff regularly and become a youtube if you fail getting lots of subscribers it won't work and at the end of the day what you get is not that much

    2- I've read about data entry jobs but I haven't come across any real one...what makes me not believe in their stuff is that at the very first step, they ask for some money to give you some brochures and stuff and it seems to me that they will be the winner not me!

    3- Running a website and earning from the ads. It sounds like a good idea but I guess you gotta have a novel idea for your website; right? Like I don't know how much you guys earn from antionline but is it a lot?

    So yea I'm really interested to know if you have experiences with a good way of earning money online

    Thanks y'all

    PS. It doesn't mean that I'm not doing anything with my life but generally I'm interested to earn online!!!!!! because it's really cool....
    Last edited by boyboy400; March 22nd, 2011 at 10:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member nihil's Avatar
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    United Kingdom: Bridlington
    I don't think that there is a way unless you have a business behind it.

    Basically the internet is just another communications medium you can use to market goods and services.......or commit crime.

    I don't think that private individuals make very much out of advertising for the reasons you have stated, and the online "jobs" I have seen are all scams.

    I guess the question is pretty much the same as how do you make money out of a telephone or a fax machine?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Rochester, New York
    I own a website that links people to owners manuals for cars. Pays me about 1500 a month. It has been very good to me.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I own a website that links people to owners manuals for cars. Pays me about 1500 a month. It has been very good to me.
    Dude that's awesome....It's kind of like "Brokership" I guess; isn't it?...I was thinking about the same thing but I don't know where to begin...

    Do you mind telling us a little bit how you started off? I guess first I should make a website, try to get viewers, forward them to whatever type of manufacturers I'm into and then after a while ask them to pay me something for keeping on forwarding people to them....Am I right?

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Rochester, New York
    Got started about 3 years ago on it. The first year I only made 300 dollars, second year was 1700 dollars, this year I am tracking to make around 18,500 on that one site alone. We will see...

    All my content is offered for free and I get my revenue through several publisher networks (adsense, infolinks, amazon associates).

    I used to work at a car dealership so it inspired me to make the site. I've shown my techniques off to a couple of my friends (one of them even copied me and made his own site which was a mirror of mine, suffice to say he does not rank well in google)

    The best bit of advice when making a website is to make it about something that you enjoy or know a lot about. It will be easier that way. Sounds cliche but its true.

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