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Thread: Windows 10 is the ugliest yet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Windows 10 is the ugliest yet

    Pinned start menu items won't allow you to right click and open multiple instances of programs. The original start menu automatically alphabetizes things. I don't understand the need of putting huge A's, B's, and C's to separate them.

    Edge doesn't import settings from Internet Explorer. I can't even find the security settings in the Advanced Options menu.

    Normally I'd setup the browser to block all popups/tabs unless I hit the shift button before clicking links. The last time I saw a popup was in 1998 but with Edge's settings you should expect those to return. Everything people had on their favorites are gone. And it won't even go to you're homepage. Infact, I had to go through the settings just to enable the homepage button.

    Did I mention it was ugly? Tiled menus are actually adware with nothing to do with navigating.

    The whole point of a GUI isn't to have a learning curve but to make it simple to use. This is why people ask a lot of dumb questions when buying phones. It doesn't really do anything except waste one third, if not half your RAM.

  2. #2
    Friend of Site Staff
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    Nor will it import html bookmarks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wow... Dev C++ just crashed mid-way into compiling. It says it can't detect if I have java installed when I try using an application written in it. Be sure to thank these guys... for making the GUI halfway decent.

    Windows10 is low hanging fruit. You're going to see a huge upswing in malware.

    With IE people could maximize the security settings to block all popups, block all usage of activex, and setup a whitelist of URLs to block. Edge doesn't let you do any of that!

    Windows Defender has so many false positives people are going to ignore it.
    Last edited by AaronMaxwell; August 24th, 2015 at 12:19 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2015
    How many of you like windows 10 OS?

  5. #5
    Friend of Site Staff
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    May 2012
    Win 10 sure stomps win 8.

    Linux, because of win 8, I found easier to deal with than 98 ever was.
    AntiX and LinuxLite 2.6
    Want to try?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    May 2014
    I have a similar impression as Aaron. Il will be quite easy to infect Win10 with malware.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Zorolord's Avatar
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    You guys are way of head of me, but when I first seen Windows 10 I was like ehhh.

    The thing thats annoies me, Microsoft forcing Windows 10 down peoples throats especially your novices or your general users.

    The amont of people who jump to upgrading to 10 is unbelievable, I ask users is your machine 7 or above even thats hard enough to get out of users.

    I then I ask them is your machine working well, most anwser yes. Then I tell them, then why do you want upgrade as Windows 10 requires mores resources then I explain that too.
    Last edited by Zorolord; January 26th, 2016 at 11:59 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Zorolord's Avatar
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    @Shay Windows 8 is gash, but I think its like that for tablet. I know that anwser is BS.

    Also I Loved Windows 98, it was great in its day

    Obviously Linux is miles ahead.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    May 2017
    I don't like win10, comparing to Win 7 Start menu, Win10 is a big step down.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Win10 is better than Win8

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