Ok so if I may give you some background. Because the number of websites that are indexed on google every day for niches is increasing so much that most will never see the top of Google, Google has really prioritized local SEO as a way to mitigate this. They first started it in GMB listings where proximity is a massive ranking factor. Now for the last 2 years or so your natural organic results also lean towards local results. I believe Google thinks this is a better user experience for people. It also allows many more websites to get shown. TLDs, for example, you used to see .coms everywhere however if you look up Serps now they usually have a good number of local TLDs in the top results. Google is also doing this to remove any organic monopoly of bigger companies why? so that they will use AdWords. So for us smaller guys it's a win-win IMO. If you want to know exactly how to use local SEO im not going to spam this forum with something that there are millions of articles on. One things that I will say that many of those articles do NOT mention is the impact of direct brand searches usually a user saw a banner or a flyer or car branding and did a direct search. This is a massive local ranking factor for Local because Direct brand searched is telling Google somehow people in your city know about you.