really nice web design guys.

much better tha the previous one.

good luck also in the future.


Yeah, we've been changing our site design a lot lately. We keep adding things, and the page keeps getting cluttered. SO, we've FINALLY come up with a design that we like, and one that will allow us to keep adding more and more content and features. Enjoy!


i have a, maybe simple, question concerning your network.
I noticed that is not pingable, which takes away a nice

I was wondering how you did such a thing? Did you close one port (if so,
which) to close ping replies?

I myself run a windows nt based network, and i would be very intrested on
how to close up such ping "facility".

Thank you for your time and effort.

Yours truly,

Peter Bleeker

We simply disabled ICMP traffic in our Cisco Router.

Hell Submitted The Following:

I was just curious.....what language are all the virii in anticode written in?

French. Heh, if read the top of the archive, you'll find out the
real answer =P

Hello, i have been reading and learning a lot about unix hacking and the sort. I got myself a shell account and I think i am ready for my first hack. I want to try and hack a unix box but I don't really know where or how to find one. Do I just gather a bunch of domain names of the net and telnet to them until I come across a unix box? From your personal experience what would you do to find the type of system you would like to hack? If you could help me out I would greatly apreciate it


I suggest you take a look at The Hacker WarGames. You can try to hack into those computers LEGALLY, which should give you the opportunity to learn more about security, without having to break the law.

Sciri Submitted The Following:


After reading this week's QuickTip, I was rather disturbed. Specifically, the confusion over the > prompt after entering a single or double quote at a shell prompt. The usage of quotes on the command line is basic shell programming knowledge and falls into the same category of redirects and pipes.

Basically, depending on the shell, the single and double quotes are used to escape characters. For example, mkdir foo bar would make the directory foo and the directory bar because of the space. So, if you wanted a single directory named foo bar, you'd have to execute mkdir "foo bar" or mkdir foo\ bar to escape the space.

Quotes, when used by themselves, allow for using that > prompt to expand variables or isolate output surrounded by linefeeds. So "$foo" prints the value of $foo, and '$foo' prints $foo. Examples:

earth# echo $SHELL


earth# echo "$SHELL"


earth# echo '$SHELL'


earth# '

Unmatched '.

earth# "

Unmatched ".

earth# bash

bash-2.03# echo '$SHELL'


bash-2.03# echo '


> '


bash-2.03# echo "


> "



Just a little clarification to clear up the mystery. As long as you close the single or double quote, it will echo (or whatever) what's in between them. Ditto goes for backticks.

bash-2.03# echo `date`

Thu Aug 26 17:51:30 EDT 1999

bash-2.03# echo `

> date

> `

Thu Aug 26 17:51:33 EDT 1999



We got a lot of letters like this one. I forwarded them to Carolyn, below is her response...

Carolyn here,

I was being a meanie I asked about the Bourne and Bash shell escape
sequence. I knew for sure someone would get "disturbed" at me for
supposedly not knowing the everyday use of the quote and double quote
characters! So now I get the fun of revealing the experiments I ran to
prove that the ">" prompt offers a world of bizarre happenings. Following
is from bash running on Linuxppc:

> ~!w


Hey, it does command completion when I hit enter! In bash, by contrast, you
have to hit tab to get command completion. I got several command
completions during this session, but then the next time I brought up this
prompt it didn't work.

Here's another cool thing I got from the ">" prompt, using bash on Solaris 7:

> ??"?*



> (here I inserted the command escape ~! and hit enter)

.addressbook .junk .pine-debug4 mail .pine-debug1 .pinerc ns2.doc

.bash_history .pine-debug2 .ssh ssh

.cshrc .pine-debug3 cc32e451.exe


.addressbook .junk .pine-debug4 mail .pine-debug1 .pinerc ns2.doc

.bash_history .pine-debug2 .ssh ssh

.cshrc .pine-debug3 cc32e451.exe

> `1

Wow, I got the command ls -a repeated two times! That tick before the
number one on the last line is not a typo, "'1" is part of what this odd
shell echoed to the screen.

Then, after this, at the ">" prompt I gave the command "escape 3". This
caused the message to appear:

>(arg: 3)

Then when I hit enter, I got nine iterations of the output one normally gets
from ls -a. "escape 5" gave the output (arg:5) followed by four iterations
of ls-a output followed by the number 5 (without a tick in front of it).
Escape alone repeated an ls -a listing. However, escape 6 just put a number
6 on the last line right after the five that had been echoed back from the
escape 5 command, to look like:


Then I gave the command escape 7 and got:

>(arg: 7) 56

I hit enter and the (arg: 7) disappeared to give:


Continuing with escape 8, I got (arg: 8) 567, hit enter and got:


Hitting escape 9 and 0 added these numbers:


Escape dash (the character -) gave:

(arg: -1) 56890

I hit enter and just got:


Then I hit escape alone and hit enter and got the ls -a output again.

Now here's a really complex result. Using bash on Linuxppc, I managed to
freeze the console as an unprivileged user while in the ">" prompt. To be
exact. I did control scroll lock to look at the process table, and the
screen froze. No sweat. I logged in over the LAN as root and gave the
command "shutdown -r now." This command echoed back to the screen:

Broadcast message from root (0) Fri Aug 20 17:16:38 1999...

The system is going down for system halt NOW !!

But nothing else happened, a ps -auxww showed not a single process had
ended. I looked in the .bash_history, and guess what had been piped into it
-- all the shutdown messages that normally are echoed to the screen. Yet
none of the effects of these messages (shutting down processes, unmounting
file systems, etc.) had occurred.

Did this have anything to do with an ordinary user screwing around in the
"." prompt? There was another variable in this equation -- that ordinary
user, being me, had mistakenly hardlinked her .bash_history to /dev/null
instead of symlinking it. Oh, well...

So is anyone going to be "disturbed" that I don't know how the echoes from
the shutdown sequence wound up in root's bash history, without their actions
being executed? Is anyone disturbed that I didn't use the "-s" switch on
the ln command?;^)

Or does this give someone a hint on how to get root on a Linuxppc box?;^)