July 24th, 2001, 09:22 PM
Senior Member
_DNA_1 Submitted The Following:
I've been wanting to write in for a while, but never really got around to it, I've been a loyal follower for a few years now and I appreciate (as I'm sure many others do) the informative, conscise manner in which you share your knowledge with others, both before and after the "change" as some people like to call it. Keep up the great work!
In keeping with tradition of the MailBag, this friendly letter will be followed by an equally unfriendly one....
you know, i might not be 31337, or cool, or smart, or old. but there is one
thing that i know and that is you don't rat people out. i don't know what
the **** your problem is that you have to tell law enforcement about who's
hacking what. it really ****ing bothers me that you help the very people
that want to destroy us. your like a capo in the concentration camps.
trading in others so that you can get a better lot in life. you shouldn't
even care who is doing stuff, jest why, and what they are doing.
you ****ing sellout, you suck
I'll tell you who sucks. The people that break into sites and cost companies millions of dollars a year, just so they can go to their friends and say "look at how big my balls are, I hax0red nasdaq". Or even better, the people that put trojans in e-mails and send them to unknowing users "look at how big my balls are, I hax0red a 63 year old school teacher". Haha, I get a kick out of this culture though. On the drudge report hack, done by the "loan gunmen", they felt it necessary to say how bad I sucked. Why hack the drudge report to say that AntiOnline sucks? Why not hack AntiOnline to say AntiOnline sucks? Because they can't, that's why. So instead, they have to target defenseless webmasters to show how "big their balls are". Whatever. My job isn't to protect criminals, and if you, or the other "uber l33t hax0rs" out there don't like it, tough.
E.M. Submitted The Following:
What do you think of Macintosh's now, what with their recent (the PowerMac G4) and upcoming product releases (Mac OS X)? I know you weren't to keen on them earlier this year.
I've never been totally against the Macintosh. We currently have two of them in the office. An imac, and an 9500 which is being used for the Linux PPC Challenge that we're hosting. Since macOS isn't a multi-user one, and has no underlying command line interface, it's VERY secure. It's just not exactly what I'd call a "feature rich" operating system, nor would I call it "developer friendly". To top it off, it's doesn't have much of a developer base, so compared to other operating systems, the software available for it is much more limited.
Debris@Attrition.org Submitted The Following:
In the months following the opening of the Antionline Network, I have not seen anything come about that requires a great amount of work on your part ( a news article every now and then, a search engine you bought from another company, premade cgi scripts etc...). What do you do all day besides reading e-mails and answering telephones and harassing people? Do you sit around combing through your users e-mail boxes?
Let's not forget, I spend part of my day trying to help get people like some of your friends put in prison =)
anonymous Submitted The Following:
Why are you publishing those quick tips by C. meinel on your otherwise nice security site? She seems to have as much computer knowledge as an average www surfer. Most of her quicktips are pointless, sometimes down right dumb.
I think that most of your visitors must feel the same way since they are security enthusiast(I like this ambiguous term). Her tricks would be better in a book called 'Fun tricks for newbies!'
What's wrong providing some fun things for newbies to do? That's what I hate about the security industry more than anything else, people think that if it's not a whitepaper about the latest buffer overflow, it's useless. What's wrong with educating the "average user"? We at AntiOnline try to provide a little something for everybody.
David Dexter Submitted The Following:
Hello JP and AntiOnline Staff! Great work, keep up the constant vigil. I'm glad that there is at least one positive site in this cesspool we call the World Wide Web that doesn't condone hacking. What I find humorous is your Attack Logs - so many fools thinking that they can use the NetZero Free ISP to attack sites "anonymously." I guess even among the Script Kiddies, there are the "dumb" and then the "totally brain dead." :^) Keep it real JP, and you need to do another major TV network interview dude (and this time, let's see those lifesize South Park characters in the background)! By the way, what was your major when you were still in college?
Well, since I was only a freshman, I hadn't declared a major yet. Oh well.. As for TV spots, I heard it rumored that AntiOnline was actually working on a "big-budget" video of its own. I don't know though, I'll keep you posted ;-)
bro, great report...informative and sort of scary at the same time. I
am, of course refferring to your Hacker Profiler series. again, great
I've been meaning to finish up part 4, just haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe later this week?
Chris Submitted The Following:
I wanted to know if you programmed a script that automatically updates the "news links".... Or if you use software, who makes it. Thanks
No, our newslinks are gathered by a staff member every day. He has a list of 65 news sites that he visits, and then enters all relevant links into our database. We post more news links a day than any other security site, hands down. Maybe in the near future we'll come up with a way to include them on your webpages as well (ala an isyndicate type of deal).
Rick Submitted The Following:
I was wondering if youc an recommend a course of training to someone just starting out in the IT industry?
I have been using computer my whole life (Remember the Pet =)
A few years ago, I decided to do some IT training, to get my relative skills on paper. We were taught Microsoft and Novell networks, whihc really bored me as people were passing those exams with flying colors, but not having any knowledge whatsoever of actually sitting in front of a server and Securing/Optimizing it.
I love security, and would love to work at network security in the future, but the further I train myself in these areas, the more I'm finding out that the track I have taken is not going to get me where I want to go.
I plan on doing some cisco training in the coming months, then write some Unix exams, as my self-taught skills are in Unix, but again, I have no papers stating such...
Could you point me in the right direction, is it wise for me to do Cisco training, or should I look somewhere else?
A sincere thank you in advance,
I would HIGHLY recommend Cisco training. Cisco puts out some great security products, and they're working on some even more exciting things for the future. If you want some more details on Cisco fun, feel free to write AntiOnline Staff Member Corey Gallatin. He's a Senior Data Engineer for Sprint, and has just about every Cisco Certification there is.
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