August 6th, 2001, 09:13 PM
Junior Member
Anyone out there using HP-UX UNIX? That's the kind of machine I run at work and I like it pretty well, am still learning my way around though.
August 6th, 2001, 10:33 PM
Junior Member
I use HP-UX, Is there something you need to know? Documentation on using it? Feel free to post any questions you have reguarding hp unix...
August 7th, 2001, 12:41 PM
Junior Member
No particular questions as of yet. Just got my HP-UX cert about a month ago, but am still new to using it. We use it as our main database server here and I like it a lot. Have you had any security issues with it? I work at a school and we are starting to allow web-based credit card transactions, so this is becoming an issue.
August 7th, 2001, 02:58 PM
August 7th, 2001, 08:29 PM
Junior Member
Yeah, I know, was just wondering if there were any particular issues that anyone had. I am still going through the umpteen manuals that I have. I play around on the machine all day long when I am not doing stuff with Oracle. I need to get ssh so I can log in from home. We block telnets or rlogins coming from outside of the LAN for security so I can't login from home right now.
August 8th, 2001, 09:00 AM
While on a subject here is a question. If you use TCB on the system how do you define minimum password length. I know about a maximum password length but the minimum is a mistery. Is there a defualt minimum password legnth defied somewhere on the system that is uesd with or without tcb.
Thanks for any help on this.
August 8th, 2001, 02:39 PM
Junior Member
I think the minimum length of an HP-UX password is eight characters, at least on of which must be a number.
August 9th, 2001, 12:15 PM
I found one of the man pages in a meanwhile for HP-UX and it said 6 is minimum. But even if its eight can you control this yourself and how. Just remember i have a TCB running on that system.
I just can't find any information related to HP-UX tcb system on the web.
November 5th, 2001, 11:44 PM
The issue of changing the minimum password length to 6 cannot be done in 10.20. But in 11.00 there is a patch that can be applied to rememdy this situation.
Install this patch and then edit the following in the text below: PHCO_20334
More Info:
The solution will be implemented in libpam_unix.1 and the minimum
password length will be configurable. The user will now be able to set
the minimum password length by editing the /etc/default/security file
and entering a value for the parameter MIN_PWD_LENGTH. Note that this
applies only to non-root users as root is able to do pretty much
whatever it wants. Also note that no matter what value this parameter
is set to, the lowest value that minimum password length is allowed to
take on is still 6. So, there's a lower bound of 6 on this parameter.
I know this thread was started in August, hope it's not to late.
P.S. I work for HP.
\"Disciples, like diamonds, are developed in a process of time and heavy pressures, and both the disciple and the diamond reflect and magnify the light that comes through them.\"
Neal A. Maxwell
November 6th, 2001, 01:56 PM
Thanks a lot better late then never
I had troubles finding this on the web. Strange but
there wasn't that mnuch info on it.
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