August 28th, 2001, 11:02 AM
Mp3 sharing programs, post your thoughts here ...
Personally i have been using Ag satillite , wich works very well except there are some songs copy-protected so i am forced to use Imesh also to get those songs , i have not found imesh to be a stable program , it eats up all the computer memory and forces a restart , but it works for what it is intended to work for.
What is your favorite sharing program ?
Smile ... tomorrow will be worse
August 28th, 2001, 03:20 PM
Napter is and will always be king! The only problem is now there gonna wanna charge you $$$. What else? I mean the next best program in iMesh, Morpheus is ok is you want a place to find practicly ANYTHING!
But, what can ya do?
August 28th, 2001, 03:33 PM
I can usually find what I want on the forgotten net zone...NEWSGROUPS. Time is required and you need to be patient but rarely do you ever have to worry about the data being lost or removed during download.
August 28th, 2001, 04:01 PM
Have you guys used hotline client ?
I downloaded it a couple of weeks ago , but i find it kinda complicated , maybe it´s just me ...
Smile ... tomorrow will be worse
August 28th, 2001, 04:37 PM
Napter is and will always be king! The only problem is now there gonna wanna charge you $$$. What else? I mean the next best program in iMesh, Morpheus is ok is you want a place to find practicly ANYTHING!
Why was/is Napster the king? It's slow and connections always drop out.
I like the Gnutella approach better: p to p= no control. The Gnutella network has been improved by KaZaA : super nodes were introduced (central computers, but worldwide --> try to take that down!). It also beats Napster when it comes to speed, because of the multiple downloads (same file, dowloaded from diferent computers at the same time). Still free, but you'll have to pay in a few months. There's rumours KaZaA is spyware, too.
Then there's WinMX : very popular, so the network is down / full a lot. Bút you can resume downloads, which you can't with KaZaA nor Napster.
And of course there's Morpheus : in my opinion the best there is: you combine all the advantages of the preceeding ones, et voilÃ*.
August 28th, 2001, 07:56 PM
Senior Member
Forget all the sharing programs - IRC was around before and will be around after.
As far as the Audio Galaxy songs that you can't download - if you search specifically for that song and artist, you can find it.
\"If you torture the data enough, it will confess.\" --Ronald Coase
August 29th, 2001, 02:48 PM
I have heard that kaza itself does not contain spyware , but the other programs that the installation allows you to choose from contain spyware, i simply skipped them.
Were did you hear that payment would be required for kaza in a few months ?
Smile ... tomorrow will be worse
August 29th, 2001, 03:28 PM
In a Dutch magazine (Personal Computer Magazine):
Note: FastTrack (the KaZaA-company) is a Dutch company:
From the beginning FastTrack has declared to be willing to make a deal with the copyright companies. The deals with Buma/Stemra (Dutch copyright organisation) are almost made, meaning the service won't be free anymore in a nearby future. There will be a limited free version and an extended paying one. This paying version will be a competitor for MusicNet and PressPlay.
By finishing the deal with Buma/Stemra, FastTrack is hoping for a worldwide première.
Thanks for the spyware explanation, and sorry for my translation of the article...
August 29th, 2001, 03:58 PM
By the time you get started with a new MP3 sharing program, they will probably find a way to make it pay as you download.
August 29th, 2001, 07:54 PM
Nothing is free ... at least not for longterm.
We will probably have to pay for air in the future LoL
There still is nothing people can do to preven warez/mp3/movie
trading, it will continue even if all those so called sharing programs will start charging for the services , there will always be irc and new programs will pop up,
wich causes people to stop using the programs that charge for the services, i dont know why they bother.
Smile ... tomorrow will be worse
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